Hard Nox is live! A new generation of Scots have landed

Hard Nox is the first in the new Wild Scots series and PHEW is this book a scorcher.

This story contains:

  • A huge hero and tiny heroine

  • A car chase and a first kiss that makes enemies

  • More steam than I've ever written before

Isobel is Lennox's best friend's younger sister. He's known her all his life but he doesn't truly see her until they are teens. But then the kiss happens, sealing their fate but making them enemies too.

Years later, the separation has only made Nox's regard stronger and he knows what he wants.


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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Their journey made me laugh, want to cry, roll my eyes...just gave all the "feels". GREAT JOB JOLIE!!! - Shannon

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I am on pins and needles waiting for the next book. It can not come out fast enough! - Lori

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Cue all the swoons for Lennox McRae! Like his father, he's a commanding presence. This is a fabulous addition to one of my all-time favorite series - Viper